1. Active Projects
    1. Researching the ecosystem of clojure libraries
    2. Improving a library for tabular data
    3. Creating visualization tools like R's htmlwidgets
    4. Extending Gorilla-REPL
  2. Suggested Projects
    1. Probabilistic programming
      1. Probabilistic Programming Examples
      2. Probabilistic Programming With Rainier and Scala
    2. Deep Neural Networks
    3. [R interop]

This page will update gradually. Stay tuned.

We will work in small teams of 1-3 people, and take on small projects that match each person's special interests and background.

Active Projects

Note that you may still be welcome to join one of these teams.

Researching the ecosystem of clojure libraries

Team: Dudu Peer

  • Web-scraping Github and Clojars
  • Using Specter for work with nested data structures
  • More details soon

Improving a library for tabular data

Team: Amit Ramon and Daniel Slutsky

  • Studying existing clojure libraries for tabular data structures (which are sometimes called data-frames in the data science context)
  • Planning to extend one of those libraries to allow for more expressive power and efficiency

Creating visualization tools like R's htmlwidgets

Team: Rohi Ulecia

  • Researching possible ways to do data visualization in Clojure, inspired by R's htmlwidgets.

Extending Gorilla-REPL

Team: Michael Katz

  • Researching Gorilla REPL and the Vega visualization library
  • Considering some possible ways to estend and improve them

Suggested Projects

Probabilistic programming

Probabilistic Programming Examples

Probabilistic Programming With Rainier and Scala

Deep Neural Networks

[R interop]
