December 15, 2018

Notes from the First Meeting

On the first meetings of the course, we introduced ourselves and had some light introduction.

Meeting A1 - Nov 25th 2018

This was the first meeting of Group A - clojure for data scientists.

We began with a broad introduction to Clojure by Matan Safriel. You can find his presentation here.

Then everybody introduced themselves, and we discussed our wishes, challanges and goals for the course.

We continued to play a little with Clojure, and then looked into some use case example - scraping data from a wikipedia page, and visualizing the results.

We used Jupyter for the example, but after the meeting we decided to shift to Gorilla REPL as the main tool for the first talks. Thus, here is the wikipedia scraping example, translated into a Gorilla notebook (with some minor changes).

During the course we will create more of these example notebooks – you can look them up at the example github repo.

Meeting B1 - Nov 28th 2018

This was the first meeting of Group B - data science for clojurians.

The meeting began with a light introduction for Clojure, and then everybody introduced themselves.

Then we continued in a similar manner to the other group's meeting, with some less attention to the example though.

At the end, we had some overview of some relevant clojure libraries and topics that we may dive into during the course. See the presentation.